do it in Chinese
How to pronounce "do it" Synonyms of "do it" "do it" in a sentence "do it" meaning
Will you do it for me as a personal favor ? 请你帮我个人一个忙行吗? However tired you may be , you must do it ... 不管怎样累,你也得做。 Have the police nailed the man who did it ? 警方逮着作案的人了吗?。 If other people can do it , so can we . 人家能做到的,我们也能做到。 They consider it better to do it that way . 他们以为那样做比较妥当。 Let 's put our heads together and see how to do it . 大家来想办法。 I hate him even more for the way he did it . 我更痛恨他所采取的方式。 Look , do it this way and you can dig faster . 要这样挖,才挖得快。 He seemed to know intuitively how to do it . 他似乎凭直觉知道如何做。 No power on earth could force me to do it .. 世上没人能强迫我做这事。
Verb have sexual intercourse with; "This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm"; "Adam knew Eve"; "Were you ever intimate with this man?" Synonyms: sleep together , roll in the hay , love , make out , make love , sleep with , get laid , have sex , know , be intimate , have intercourse , have it away , have it off , screw , fuck , jazz , eff , hump , lie with , bed , have a go at it , bang , get it on , bonk ,
What is the meaning of do it in Chinese and how to say do it in Chinese? do it Chinese meaning,
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